It’s Time to Unwind with Your New Evening Herbal Tea

Evening Unwind Herbal Tea on MOMAROMAs

Relax and Unwind with an Evening Herbal Tea

There’s something about an aromatic cup of herbal tea before bed that really helps calm the mind and relax the body in preparation for sleep. Chamomile is the classic before bed herb and it’s one of the featured herbs in this Evening Unwind blend, with Oat Straw, Linden Flowers, and Rose Petals playing important supporting roles.

I make this by the cupful and sip while warm as I am winding down for the night. The recipe below makes two servings.

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In this Post:

⭐️Evening Unwind Herbal Tea Recipe

  • freshly boiled water
  • 3/4 teaspoon Chamomile Flower (Matricaria chamomilla / M. recutita)
  • 3/4 teaspoon Oat Straw (Avena sativa)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Linden Leaf/Flower (Tilia spp.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Rose Petals (Rosa spp.)

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Make Evening Unwind Herbal Tea

To make Evening Unwind, combine herbs in a small container and stir to mix thoroughly.

Add one slightly mounded teaspoon of the herb blend to a loose leaf tea infuser or basket, place in a favorite mug, and pour 8 ounces (1 cup) freshly boiled—not boiling—water over the top.

Cover and allow to steep for 5-10 minutes. Inhale the gentle calming aroma, sip, relax, and enjoy!

A young woman sleeping in pink-tinted clouds.
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Evening Unwind herbal tea is great for adults and children.

Its soft floral aroma and delicate flavor make it an easy herbal tea to include in a child’s prepare-for-bed routine and ideal for sipping during a bedtime story. (A half-cup or less will do for a little one.)

Why These Herbs?

In Aromatherapy, the aroma of flowers supports calm and encourages renewal. They are “love” aromas.

When we drink an herbal tea crafted from flowers, we not only we benefit from the therapeutics of the herbs themselves, we also benefit from the aroma as we sip the tea.

Evening Unwind Herbal Tea is all about gentle centering and taking those few moments of self care that we all need at the end of a long day.

An after dinner herbal tea can help support digestion. Tranquil Tummy herbal tea promotes digestion and overall calm.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla/M. recutita)

German Chamomile flowers, the classic addition to a bedtime herbal tea
German Chamomile from my garden Grown from seeds from Botanical Interests

Who doesn’t enjoy this lovely tender flowering herb? Chamomile is a gentle antispasmodic, working throughout the body to loosen tightness and tension. With a soft appley aroma, Chamomile is wonderful on its own for reducing stress and encouraging a restful sleep. It’s even more so when combined with other herbs that do the same.

Chamomile is also soothing to the skin. This is why I like to include the flowers in herbal bath teas and foot soaks. German Chamomile hydrosol is wonderful for easing the itch of a rash. Both are great for adults and children.

Oat Straw (Avena sativa)

A soothing herb, Oat Straw adds a silky texture to an herbal tea, a feature which translates to its effect on the body. It smooths frayed nerves and coats the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Oat straw reaches into those tension points and helps loosen the knots. I enjoy the sunny grassy aroma and delicate flavor that oat straw contributes to calming tea blends at any time of day.

Linden Leaf/Flower (TiIia spp.)

Linden is another comforting herb, cooling in flavor and aroma. This cooling nature makes a beautiful tonic for the nervous system, soothing tension and calming agitation. It pairs nicely with Chamomile to help us to drift gently into a restful sleep. Linden flower is often combined with the leaf which enhances the calming energy of Linden.

Linden is also known as “Lime leaf.” So always look at the botanical name of the herb you are purchasing! If the supplier doesn’t provide the botanical name, move on.

Rose Petals (Rosa spp.)

Red roses, the dried petals are a favorite in my herbal teas
Click for more ways to use Rose Petals

In an herbal tea, Rose Petals create a heart-centered synergy with the other herbs in the blend. It pulls together all the self-love energy of the herbs and delivers them with each sip. This quality enhances the peaceful calming nature of Chamomile Flowers, Oat Straw, and Linden Flowers/Leaves, creating a tea that is more than just the sum of its parts.

I don’t find a need to sweeten Evening Unwind, however, if desired, a pinch of Stevia herb (Stevia rebaudiana) can be added to the blend. Or a small amount of locally sourced herbal honey or other sweetener would enhance the fruity sweetness of the blend.

I hope sipping this tea helps you unwind!

Love Chris at MOMAROMAs

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Visit Mom’s Herbal Favorites on Amazon to find most of the herbs used to make Evening Unwind Herbal Tea (featuring Elanen naturals and Starwest Botanicals) along with tea making supplies. Or visit my favorite Organic Herb Suppliers below for the actual herbs I use.

  • Stevia Leaf Herb (Stevia rebaudiana):

Cultivate your Green Thumb! Grow your own organic herbs, vegetables, and fruits from seed with the non-GMO, open pollinated seeds from my trusted suppliers: Seed Needs (on Amazon), Survival Garden Seeds (on Amazon), and Botanical Interests.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is for educational purposes only.
All recipes provided are for personal use and are not designed for re-sale or large-scale manufacturing.
Please consult your doctor, naturopath, herbal practitioner, or other qualified health professional for medical advice and before starting any herbal regimen, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, have any existing medical conditions, or are taking any medications.

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