Mom's Book Reviews on MOMAROMAs

Updated: March 7, 2024

Mom’s Mini Book Reviews

Here’s a list of books I’ve read and recommend, along with mini book reviews. Topics include aromatherapy, perfumery, herbal wellness, skin care, pet care, and more.

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

~Walt Disney (1901-1966)

I hope you enjoy exploring these titles and reading the mini book reviews. For some, I’ve also written an in-depth review. So, if you want to know more, click the image where indicated to read the full book review!

This page is updated regularly with additional book reviews and recommendations. So, bookmark, and come back for another read some time. You may just find the treasure you seek!

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The Treasure Trove

  1. 200 Tips, Techniques & Recipes for Natural Beauty (by Shannon Buck)
  2. 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols (by Jeanne Rose)
  3. Aromatic Cat (by Nayana Morag & Julie-Ann Thorne)
  4. Aromatic Dog (by Nayana Morag)
  5. Carrier Oil Palette (by Jade Shutes & Sherilyn Siegmund-Roach)
  6. Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy (by Valerie Ann Worwood)
  7. *NEW* Forest Bathing (by Dr Qing Li)
  8. Harvest to Hydrosol 2nd ed (by Ann Harman)
  9. Herbal Remedies Handbook (by Andrew Chevalier)
  10. Listening to Scent (by Jennifer Peace Rhind)
  11. Making Gingerbread Houses (by Rhonda Massingham Hart)
  12. Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide (by Rosemary Gladstar)
  13. Power of the Seed (by Susan M. Parker)
  14. Scent Keeper (Fiction, by Erica Bauermeister)
  15. Soap & Cosmetic Labeling, 3rd Ed (by Marie Gale)
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200 Tips Techniques & Recipes for Natural Beauty

200 Tips, Techniques & Recipes for Natural Beauty

By Shannon Buck

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Categories: Skin Care, Hair Care, Essential Oils, Perfumery

Review: This is an excellent introductory book on natural skin and hair care. Full color photographs accompany bite-sized tips, reference charts, and recipes.


375 EOs and Hydrosols

375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols 

By Jeanne Rose

Categories: Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Herbal Wellness

Review: This book is a must-have reference for all levels of aromatherapist, from student to seasoned practitioner. It’s packed with detailed descriptions, therapeutic properties, and so much more.


The Aromatic Cat

The Aromatic Cat

By Nayana Morag & Julie-Anne Thorne 

Categories: Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Pet Care

Review: Herbs and essential oils are safe for cats, when used appropriately. This book is a great guide for cat owners who would like to use herbs and aromatherapy to support their kitty’s health and well being.


The Aromatic Dog

The Aromatic Dog

By Nayana Morag

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Categories: Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Pet Care

Review: If you would like to use essential oils with your dog, read this book first. It explains the importance of working with your dog to find the aromatics that will support them best.


Carrier Oil Palette

The Carrier Oil Palette

By Jade Shutes & Sherilyn Siegmund-Roach

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Categories: Skin Care, Aromatherapy, Herbalism

Review: This book provides practical guidance and in-depth descriptions of a variety of fixed carrier oils, butters, herbal infusions, and lipid CO2 extracts. An excellent book for the reference shelf!


The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

By Valerie Ann Worwood

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Categories: Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Green Cleaning, Skin Care, Pet Care

Review: This was the book that started my aromatherapy library. It’s a huge book that I have referenced repeatedly for its excellent recipes, quick reference charts, and essential oil descriptions. I am not surprised it is the #2 wished for Aromatherapy book on Amazon!


Forest Bathing by Dr Qing Li

Forest Bathing

By Dr Qing Li

Categories: Wellness, Aromatherapy

Review: This is the “definitive” text on shinrin-yoku by the world’s foremost expert in forest bathing. Filled with beautiful full-color photographs and information on ways to connect with Nature, Forest Bathing discusses the science behind the poetic energy of shinrin-yoku.


Harvest to Hydrosol 2nd ed

Harvest to Hydrosol 2nd ed

By Ann Harman

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Categories: Aromatherapy, Herbalism, Skin Care

Review: This is the updated 2023 2nd edition of Ann Harman’s acclaimed 2015 book. Whether you are an Aromatherapist or an Herbalist, this book will help take your understanding of plants and distillation to a new level.


Herbal Remedies Handbook

Herbal Remedies Handbook

By Andrew Chevallier

Categories: Herbalism, Aromatherapy 

Review: Providing at-a-glance information, this is one of my most-referenced herb books. Although it’s about herbs, I’ve found that the information enhances aromatherapeutic interests as well. 


Listening to Scent

Listening to Scent

By Jennifer Peace Rhind

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Categories: Aromatherapy, Perfumery, Essential Oils

Review: I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in aromatherapy, perfumery, or how the brain processes scent. With its multiple scent-recognition activities, this would make a fabulous Book Club read!


Review Making Gingerbread Houses by Rhonda Massingham Hart

Making Gingerbread Houses

By Rhonda Massingham Hart

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Categories: Culinary, Crafting, Family

Review: This is such an information-packed book that if you EVER want to make a gingerbread house it should absolutely be part of your kit! With blueprint templates, recipes, and a ton of crafting tips, it’s a fun book for the entire family to reference.


Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide

By Rosemary Gladstar

Categories: Herbal Wellness, Skin Care

Review: A beautiful, full-color introduction to 33 herbs commonly used in herbalism, including growing conditions and therapeutic uses. It provides some great How-Tos and easy to make recipes. Excellent reference for the aspiring herbalist. 


Power of the Seed

Power of the Seed

By Susan M. Parker

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Categories: Skin Care, Hair Care, Aromatherapy

Review: If you make your own skin care or topical aromatherapy products this definitely a book to reference. It provides excellent information on many of the lipid oils that are the foundations of natural skin care.


The Scent Keeper by Erica Bauermeister

The Scent Keeper

By Erica Bauermeister

Categories: Aromatics, Fiction

Review: This is a delightfully written, easy to read book of fiction. The author provides a wonderful connection between memories and our senses, particularly our sense of smell. The reader accompanies Emmeline as she experiences heartbreak and joy, confusion and enlightenment.


Soap & Cosmetic Labeling

Soap & Cosmetic Labeling, 3rd Ed

By Marie Gale

Categories: Skin Care, Hair Care, Aromatherapy

Review: One of a kind, this book makes sense of the FDA guidelines for cosmetic labeling. It’s a must have for anyone who plans to sell their own cosmetic, topical aromatherapeutic, skin care, or hair care formulations.


Also, get the brand new companion book that covers the recent Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act. Complying with MoCRA: A guide for Cosmetic Handcrafters is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions.

More Book Reviews to Come

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