Harness the Energy of the Total Eclipse of the Sun

Total Eclipse in Oils

Transform with the Energy of a Solar Eclipse

On April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will grace North America, from Mexico to Canada, casting a dramatic shadow across the land. A total eclipse isn’t just a visual marvel. We can channel the incredible energy of this celestial event with mindfulness and essential oils.

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In this Post

Celestial Omens: The Magic of a Solar Eclipse

In astrology and some mystical traditions, eclipses are seen as powerful energetic doorways. They mark a time of heightened awareness and potential for change. Some believe eclipses can amplify existing tensions, while others view them as opportunities for breakthroughs and transformation.

A total solar eclipse is a potent event that signifies a new chapter.

The April 8, 2024 total eclipse falls under the sign of Aries, associated with beginnings, initiative, and asserting oneself. This energetic alignment suggests a time to shed old skin and embrace fresh starts. However, the raw energy of Aries can also lead to impulsivity or conflict.

So, let’s harness that power for good and make this a time of transformation.

Harnessing the Energy of a Total Eclipse

Total Eclipse of the Sun

The solar eclipse signifies a time when the unseen becomes visible. It’s a potent opportunity for introspection, releasing what no longer serves us, and embracing positive change.

By using mindful practices to harness this energy, you can navigate this cosmic event with awareness and purpose.

  • Set Intentions: Eclipses are powerful times for setting intentions. Take time to reflect on what you want to release from your life and what you wish to cultivate. Write down your intentions and hold them close during the eclipse.
  • Face Your Shadows: Eclipses can illuminate our hidden aspects, the parts we keep suppressed. Use this time to journal or meditate, exploring any anxieties or subconscious patterns that arise. Facing your shadow allows for deeper self-understanding.
  • Get Grounded: The total eclipse’s energy can be unsettling. Grounding practices like earthing, spending time in nature, meditation, or performing a simple ritual, like lighting incense, can help maintain balance.
  • Explore Your Creative Side: Eclipses are often linked to inspiration and creativity. Engage in artistic pursuits, write, dance, or express yourself freely.

Essential Oils for a Total Eclipse

The upcoming total solar eclipse carries the energy of both power and release. Here are three essential oil blends to help you navigate this potent event and channel your energy.

⭐️Grounding Transformation

  • 3 drops Frankincense Sacra essential oil (Boswellia sacra)
  • 2 drops Cedarwood Atlas essential oil (Cedrus atlantica)
  • 2 drops Vetiver essential oil (Vetiveria zizanoides)
  • 1 ounce fragrance-free lotion or favorite carrier oil

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Stir essential oils into the fragrance-free lotion or carrier oil. Apply to the back of your neck, over your heart, and massage into your feet. (This essential oil blend is also skin-nourishing.)

Grounding Transformation offers centering and stability during a time of change (not just for solar eclipses!). Frankincense promotes peace, clarity, and emotional healing. Cedarwood anchors your energy while allowing you to look inward. Vetiver connects you to your roots and inner strength.

Use an essential oil blend for Total Solar Eclipse transformation - Eclipse haiku

⭐️Be Brave

  • 3 drops Black Spruce essential oil (Picea mariana)
  • 3 drops Cardamom essential oil (Elettaria cardamomum)
  • 2 drops Clary Sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea)

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Diffuse this essential oil blend while taking stock, exploring your “darker” side, or setting intentions—all these actions take bravery.

The essential oils in Be Brave support courage and enhance your ability to take initiative. Black Spruce is grounding and provides a sense of security to take action. Cardamom is warming and stimulates confidence and a sense of adventure. Clary Sage is emotionally balancing, promotes self-acceptance, and helps reduce fear.

⭐️Creative Flow

  • 3 drops Sweet Orange essential oil (Citrus x sinensis)
  • 2 drops Sandalwood essential oil (Santalum spp.)
  • 1 drop Ylang Ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata)

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Diffuse Creative Flow while tapping into your artistic side—drawing, painting, writing poetry, journaling, expressive movement, etc.—to encourage creative expression and inspiration. Sweet Orange provides a cheerful, uplifting energy that connects us to our inner child. Sandalwood provides a sense of security and grounding that allows you to explore your creative side freely. Ylang Ylang promotes an opening of the heart and spiritual awareness.

Whichever mindful practice or essential oil blend you choose to use, you can harness the transformative energy of this celestial event and move forward with clarity, confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Love Chris at MOMAROMAs

More Solar Eclipse Reading

Grounding Transformation Essential Oils

Be Brave Essential Oils

More About Mom's Preferred Essential Oil Suppliers

Creative Flow Essential Oils

  • Sandalwood essential oil (Santalum album/S. spicatum):

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is for educational purposes only.
All recipes provided are for personal use and are not designed for re-sale or large-scale manufacturing.
Please consult your doctor, naturopath, herbal practitioner, or other qualified health professional for medical advice and before starting any herbal regimen, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, have any existing medical conditions, or are taking any medications.

3 thoughts on “Harness the Energy of the Total Eclipse of the Sun

  1. Good morning Chris. Thank you so much for all the info on the eclipse. I’m in Texas so should be getting a good view of eclipse. And all your info makes it that much better. Just made shampoo. Now checking to see what oils I have to make one of the diffuser mixes you posted! Have really been enjoying your newsletters!

    1. How exciting to be able to see the eclipse, Gloria! Here in the PNW we have nothing but drizzle and cloudy skies in the forecast. However, the energy of the eclipse will be spread around the world, not just along the path of the sun. Because I am in brainstorming mode atm, today I am diffusing Creative Flow!💚

      1. By the way, if you are reading this and wondering what “shampoo” Gloria was talking about in her comment…that was subscriber-only content! If you want access to these extras, it’s as easy as subscribing to my newsletter (HINT: Click Here!) 💚

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