Make an Easy Kid-Friendly Homework Helper with Essential Oils

Homework Helper Essential Oil Blend for Kids on MOMAROMAs

Homework Helper: A Blend of Essential Oils for Kids

In an earlier post we talked about making the school year stress less and I provided 3 different blends to support the entire family. In this post we’re talking about 3 specific essential oils for kids and bringing them together in a Homework Helper blend.

This blend can be used in a diffuser during homework time, made into an inhaler to support study at the library or a friend’s house, or in a gentle roll-on. And the best thing is the blend has a kid-friendly aroma: sweet with a touch of minty freshness, like a piece of candy!

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In this Post:

Aromas for Kid-Friendly Homework Time

The Homework Helper blend features three fantastic essential oils: Clementine, Frankincense, and Spearmint.

Each of these oils brings unique properties to the homework table, working together to promote a positive and productive learning environment.

Child with kid-friendly Homework Helper at homework time

Let’s take a closer look at why these are all great essential oils for kids, especially during homework time. (For teens, try Hocus Focus Potion.)

Clementine (Citrus x clementina)

Clementine essential oil is like bottled sunshine for the senses. Its bright, citrusy aroma is instantly recognizable and loved by kids and adults alike. Here’s why it’s a star player in our Homework Helper blend.

  • Mood Booster: Clementine has a knack for lifting spirits and creating a positive atmosphere. It’s like a little cheerleader for your child’s brain, encouraging them to tackle those math problems, spelling lists, or book reports with enthusiasm.
  • Energy Enhancer: When the afternoon slump hits (yes, this affects kids, too), kid-friendly Clementine can provide a gentle, natural pick-me-up. It’s perfect for those after-school homework sessions when mental energy levels might be waning.
  • Stress Reducer: The sweet, fruity scent of Clementine essential oil has been shown to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. This can be especially helpful for kids who feel stressed or overwhelmed by their homework.

Clementine essential oil helps create a positive, alert state of mind. Its bright aroma can help dispel mental fatigue and promote clarity of thought.

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)

One of my favorite essential oils for kids and adults, Frankincense is grounding and centering. Used to support introspection for thousands of years, Frankincense brings a bit of its wisdom to our Homework Helper blend.

  • Concentration Booster: Frankincense is known for its ability to improve focus and concentration. It helps clear the mind of distractions, allowing your child to zero in on the task at hand.
  • Calming Influence: While it aids in concentration, Frankincense also has a calming effect. This dual action helps create the perfect balance for effective studying—alert yet relaxed.
  • Respiratory Support: Frankincense can help open up the airways, promoting more relaxed breathing. This increased oxygen to the brain can support better cognitive function.

Frankincense essential oils helps deepen breathing and promotes a meditative state. This can help your child tune out distractions and focus on their work.

FrankinShine Frankincense Essential Oil Blend on Mom's Blog Shelf
Fall in Love with Frankincense Essential Oil

FrankinShine brings together 3 different types of Frankincense essential oil along with Blood Orange and Atlas Cedar to create a blend where the Frankincense aromas shine. FrankinShine promotes a peaceful joy and eased spirit.

Spearmint (Mentha spicata)

Spearmint essential oil brings a cool, gently stimulating element to our kid-friendly Homework Helper blend. Its crisp, minty aroma is a favorite among kids and offers several benefits for study time.

  • Mental Clarity: Spearmint is excellent for promoting alertness while not being overly stimulating. It can help cut through mental fog, making it easier for you child to focus and retain information.
  • Concentration Enhancer: Unlike it’s very stimulating relative Peppermint, Spearmint has a calming nature. It can help reduce agitation while improving concentration. This makes Spearmint a valuable ally during homework and study sessions.
  • Tummy Soother: Spearmint essential oil is well-known for its ability to ease digestive discomfort. This makes it one of the best essential oils for kids who tend towards “nervous tummy” when facing challenging homework assignments.

Spearmint essential oil stimulates the mind and promotes alertness. Its refreshing scent can help combat mental fatigue and improve cognitive performance.

⭐️Homework Helper Blend

  • 4 drops Clementine (Citrus x clementina)
  • 2 drops Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)
  • 1 drop Spearmint (Mentha spicata)

🌺See my Recommended Suppliers below

While each of these are great essential oils for kids on their own, the energetic magic really happens when we bring them together! The sweet uplifting nature of Clementine is balanced by the grounding energy of Frankincense, and fun-loving Spearmint offers a refreshment to the spirits.

This kid-friendly combination has an aroma that’s:

  • Calming without causing sleepiness.
  • Energizing without being overstimulating
  • Focusing without being too serious
Child with kid-friendly Homework Helper at homework time

Homework Helper creates the perfect environment for productive study sessions. Set the diffuser to intermittent and diffuse the blend only during designated homework time. Or make a Homework Helper stock bottle and add 1-2 drops to a passive diffuser placed in the study space. Or try out a roll-on or aromatherapy inhaler.

Homework Helper Roll-on

A roll-on of Homework Helper essential oils for kids blend

These kid-friendly essential oils make a great roll-on.

To Make: Add the blend as is to a 10ml roller bottle and top with Jojoba (or other favorite lipid carrier oil). Then pop on the roller, cap, and rock to combine. Apply to pulse points at homework time.

Homework Helper Inhaler

Make an inhaler using the Homework Helper essential oils for kids on the go! An inhaler is useful for kids who do homework at the library, during after school care, or in study groups. They come in both disposable and reusable versions.

To Make: Combine double the drops in a small bowl. Add the inhaler wick and allow the oils to absorb. Then using a pair of tweezers transfer the wick to the case and seal. Replace (or refresh) after 2-3 weeks.

Reusable and Disposable Aromatherapy Inhalers

Other Tips for an Effective Homework Time

Creating an environment conducive to effective and productive homework time is essential for helping children thrive academically. Here are seven tips that can make a significant difference in your child’s homework routine.

Words that describe Homework Helper essential oil blend
  • Provide an After School Snack. Having some easy, kid-friendly nourishment readily available helps reduce afternoon irritability and promotes mental energy. (My kids always liked my Zucchini Muffins as part of their snack.)
  • Designate a Homework Space. This space should be well-lit and organized, with everything they need to do their homework—pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, books, computer, etc. This helps reduce interruptions.
  • Set a Regular Homework Time. Consistency is key and routine helps create a habit and establish a mindset.
  • Minimize Distractions. Turn off TVs, mobile phones, and other devices that can divert attention. Consider noise canceling headphones or playing soft instrumental music or nature sounds during homework time.
  • Prioritize Tasks. Work with your child to make a list of daily/weekly assignments. Then help them prioritize based on deadline and difficulty.
  • Do the Hard Stuff First. Getting the more difficult assignments out of the way first, makes it easier to complete everything.
  • Encourage Short Breaks: If you child has more than 45 minutes of homework, encourage taking a short 2-3 minute break every 20-30 minutes. Getting a drink of water, stepping outside, or just some simple stretching is good for the mind, the body, and the eyes! This is not the time for social media—save that for after homework time has wrapped up.
  • BONUS TIP: Be Your Child’s Champion!

By implementing these tips and providing them with a Homework Helper, you can help make homework time kid-friendly!

Love Chris at MOMAROMAs

Mom’s Homework Helper Shopping List

Here’s where you can get the essential oils I use to make Homework Helper:

More About Mom's Preferred Essential Oil Suppliers
  • Frankincense Carteri essential oil (Boswellia carteri):
  • 10ml Roll-On Bottles from Viviplex have stainless steel balls which I much prefer over a plastic ball. They come in Amber, Green, and Blue glass.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is for educational purposes only.
All recipes provided are for personal use and are not designed for re-sale or large-scale manufacturing.
Please consult your doctor, naturopath, herbal practitioner, or other qualified health professional for medical advice and before starting any herbal regimen, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, have any existing medical conditions, or are taking any medications.

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