Clear Your Energy with this Essential Oil Diffuser Blend

Clear Energy Essential Oil Diffuser Blend on MOMAROMAs

Clear Energy Synergy Diffuser Blend

Most days I already have an idea of a blend to diffuse. Other days I blend by intuition. I scan the labels of my essential oils, choosing the first oil that really grabs my attention―I take this as a sign that that particular oil is what I need at the moment and it should be the main component of my diffuser blend for the day.

After a stress-filled week, today was one of those intuition blending days and the essential oil that caught my eye first was Sage. Read on for the blend and how I created it.

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⭐️Clear Energy Synergy Recipe

  • 4 drops Dalmatian Sage essential oil (Salvia officinalis)
  • 2 drops Blood Orange essential oil (Citrus x sinensis sanguinelli)
  • 2 drops Black Pepper essential oil (Piper nigrum)
  • 1 drop Palmarosa essential oil (Cymbopogon martinii)

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Since creating this blend, it has become one of my favorites. In addition to diffusing, I have used it in a room spray, “Before You Go-Go” sprays, and dry mop sprays. And I’ve made a Clear Energy Synergy inhaler (12 drops of the blend on an inhaler wick). So, now I keep a 5ml stock bottle on hand.

Get Stock Bottle Drop Counts

Here are the drop counts for a 5ml essential oil bottle. This will hold about 100 drops of essential oil (depending on the viscosity of the oil and the size of the reducer orifice).

Add your drops directly to the essential oil bottle. Then insert the reducer and cap tightly. Finally roll the bottle between the palms of your hands for at least 30 seconds. This allows the oils to fully blend with each other and it imparts a bit of your energy to the blend.

And remember: Affix a label right away!

Clear Energy Synergy Stock Bottle

  • 40 drops Dalmatian Sage essential oil (Salvia officinalis)
  • 20 drops Blood Orange essential oil (Citrus x sinensis sanguinelli)
  • 20 drops Black Pepper essential oil (Piper nigrum)
  • 10 drops Palmarosa essential oil (Cymbopogon martinii)

How I Made This Diffuser Blend

After selecting Sage essential oil from my box, I smelled the cap with closed eyes and let my intuition guide me in selecting the supportive oils I needed. The aroma of Dalmatian Sage essential oil on its own is pungent and warm and I felt myself breathing in deeply and relaxing, the tension leaving my shoulders and my headspace clearing. It was going to be the perfect starting point for this diffuser blend.

Choosing a Citrus

I knew I wanted a citrus to brighten the aroma, something fresh and juicy, but not too sweet. I first picked up Green Mandarin (Citrus reticulata), but that wasn’t quite right.

Blood Orange essential oil has a deep “orangey” aroma. When I added the Blood Orange cap to the Dalmatian Sage cap in my palm, it felt like a good fit, the aroma playing nicely with the Sage.

Finding a Floral

I then wanted a floral to bring a peaceful joy to the blend. I started with Geranium (Pelargonium asperum), and that wasn’t right.

Next I tried Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia); that wasn’t right either.

When I added the cap from Palmarosa essential oil to the other two in my palm I knew its rosy fresh aroma was the right choice for this diffuser blend.

Spicing It Up

But the blend didn’t feel complete and I scanned my oils again. My eyes landed on Black Pepper and when I added that cap to the others, its warm dry aroma completed the blend for me.

Drop-by-Drop Blending

I then began my drop-by-drop blending by combining one drop of Sage with one drop each of Blood Orange, Palmarosa, and Black Pepper essential oils, smelling the blend with each drop addition.

The Palmarosa was predominant, so I added another drop each of Sage, Blood Orange, and Black Pepper, again smelling with each essential oil addition. The Palmarosa was now a gentle rosiness in the background.

The blend was lovely, but I wanted more of the Sage and, so, two drops later I found what I was looking for.

The Essential Oils in Clear Energy Diffuser Blend

Each one of these essential oils clears negative or stagnant energy and reduces fatigue. It was a perfect diffuser blend for a gloomy morning after a particularly stressful few days.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Prized by ancient Romans as an herba sacra or sacred herb(1), Sage (Salvia officinalis) provides a warm, herbaceous aroma with stress and fatigue-reducing properties.

Inhaling Dalmatian Sage essential oil alone encourages deeper breathing that helps reduce tension and clear negative energy. It’s rich in the phytochemicals thujone, camphor, and 1,8-cineole (with a touch of α-pinene and d-limonene). These are all cephalic (meaning “head”) chemical constituents that help clear the mind and promote focus.

☀️Research Spotlight: White Sage at Risk
Green garden sage leaves a purple sage flowers
GardenDalmatian Sage <em>Salvia officinalis<em>

Sage “smudging” is a deeply spiritual and ancient ritual performed by the Indigenous peoples of North America to cleanse and purify a space or person. Smudging is traditionally done with bundles of White Sage (Salvia apiana). Sadly, over-harvesting of White Sage, due to increasing “trendy” use by the general public, has put this plant at risk.(3)

Instead, the essential oil of common garden Sage (Salvia officinalis), aka Dalmatian Sage, can be incorporated into a negative energy cleansing blend of essential oils for diffusion or for use in an aromatherapeutic room spray.

An additional benefit of diffusing Sage essential oil is its airborne antimicrobial properties.(4) Sage is one of several essential oils investigated as an antimicrobial agent by researchers at Wroclaw University in Poland. You can learn more in the Wroclaw University’s 2019 review of the scientific literature.  

🔶️Special Safety Precaution: While the safety data for Sage essential oil comes from ingestion of the oil, we always put safety first. Due to its thujone content, we do not recommend diffusing Sage essential oil when seizure disorder is present, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding. Sage essential oil should never be used internally under any conditions.(2) Clear Energy Synergy is for inhalation use only.

Blood Orange (Citrus x sinensis sanguinelli)

Blood Orange, the essential oil is cold pressed from the peel

Blood Orange essential oil has a complex fruity aroma that is deeper and richer than Sweet Orange (Citrus x sinensis) essential oil. It’s uplifting yet calming and is an effective mind and energy tonic. It contains more than 90% of immune-supporting d-limonene which helps ease anxiety and tension.

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)

A warm, dry spice aroma with a bit of sweetness underneath, Black Pepper is considered a restorative essential oil that releases blocked energy. As a gentle stimulant, Black Pepper helps reduce fatigue of body, mind, and emotion. It is a chemically complex essential oil, rich in anxiety-reducing β-caryophyllene, d-limonene, and α-pinene and inflammation-fighting sabinene, β-pinene, and δ3-carene (“delta-3-carene”).

It’s one of my favorites for energy support in a diffuser blend, inhaler, or massage oil.

Black Pepper has been used for over 4000 years in Eastern medicine. In fact, the mendicant monks of India, who traveled many miles on foot each day, believed their endurance was due to daily consumption of 7-9 grains of black pepper!(1)

Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii)

With its sweet floral aroma, Palmarosa essential oil is balancing and nurturing. It helps reduce restlessness by quieting the mind and cooling emotions. Palmarosa is very rich in geraniol, a neuroprotective phytochemical that soothes anxiety and provides a calm uplift to emotions. Geraniol, along with its ester geranyl acetate, is responsible for the rosy aroma associated with Palmarosa essential oil. [See the ☀️Research Spotlight on Geraniol in the Hocus Focus Potion post.]

Have you ever felt called to a particular essential oil? It’s definitely something to listen to!

Love Chris at MOMAROMAs
  1. Lawless, J. (2013). The encyclopedia of essential oils. Conari Press.
  2. Tisserand, R., Young, R. (2014). Essential oil safety, 2nd Ed. Churchill Livingston/Elsevier.
  3. United Plant Savers. (2022). Species at risk.
  4. Winska, K., Waczka, W., Lyczko, J., Grabarczyk, M., Czubaszek, A., Szumny, A. (2019). Essential oils as antimicrobial agents―myth or real alternative? Molecules, 24(11):2130.

For aromatherapy bottles and other supplies, my general go-to is Amazon. You can find 5ml reducer bottles for stock blends in Mom’s favorite Aromatherapy Containers list on Amazon.

The essential oils used to make Clear Energy Synergy diffuser blend can be found in Mom’s favorites for Energy & Focus on Amazon—featuring Plant Therapy and Edens Garden essential oils. You’ll find others that support positive energy and clear thinking there, too. Here are my specific recommendations for the Clear Energy Synergy essential oils.

More About Mom's Preferred Essential Oil Suppliers
  • Sage essential oil (Salvia officinalis):

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is for educational purposes only.
All recipes provided are for personal use and are not designed for re-sale or large-scale manufacturing.
Please consult your doctor, naturopath, herbal practitioner, or other qualified health professional for medical advice and before starting any herbal regimen, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, have any existing medical conditions, or are taking any medications.

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