An Aromatherapy Inhaler to Boost Your New Year Motivation

Motivation aromatherapy inhaler on MOMAROMAs

New Year Resolution Motivation Aromatherapy Inhaler

What steps do you take to keep your motivation up when you’ve set a New Year Resolution? Journaling? Using the buddy system? How about using essential oils in an aromatherapy inhaler?

Aromatherapy can help inspire motivation, positive energy, and a can-do-it attitude. The oils in the Motivation Inhaler blend below are some of the most powerful for these energetics.

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Setting a New Year Resolution

As we approach the new year, most of us are considering what we want to accomplish in the next 12 months. For many, those New Year’s Resolutions are challenging to maintain beyond a month or two. It’s not that we lack the self-motivation or willpower. We just have difficulty setting a realistic goal and then once we do, it’s difficult to maintain the motivation to keep working toward it.

Here’s the good news: Many of the goals we set for ourselves are achievable. In fact, over our lifetimes we have achieved numerous goals. Striving for more sometimes keeps us from acknowledging the goals we have reached. If we think about it, we’ll notice that many of our achievements have just become a natural part of the fabric of our lives.

Positive Re-Framing Improves Success

Framing a goal in a positive achievable way is one of the keys to maintaining a New Year’s Resolution.

  • Eliminate the word “try” from any resolution, as “trying” to do something immediately suggests the possibility of failure.
  • Be clear about the goal, why you are making it, and how you intend to achieve it.
  • Set smaller intermediate goals as stepping stones towards your ultimate goal.
  • Write your detailed resolution in a journal and use it to keep track of your successes.
  • And ultimately, attaining a goal is easier when you enjoy it.

An Example of Re-Framing a New Year Resolution

Original New Year Resolution: This year I’ll try to reduce my level of stress.

Re-framed New Year Resolution: This year I resolve to experiment with different ways to reduce my stress. These include the following intermediate goals:

A path with a stone wall curving off into the distance - a New Year resolution is often littered with obstacles
Set smaller intermediate goals that are on the path toward your ultimate goal
  • I will find 4 different stress-reducing essential oils and use them each for a week to see which one helps most.
  • I will spend 5 minutes each day writing down that day’s positives in my journal.
  • I will spend 5 minutes each day caring for my skin.
  • I will replace daily one caffeinated or sugary beverage with a calming herbal tea.
  • I will take 5 deep slow belly breaths at bedtime each night.
  • I will seek the sun for 5 minutes each day.
  • I will spend 5 minutes each day to set aside any electronics and step outside to enjoy fresh air.
  • I will spend 5 minutes each day connecting with plants, trees, and nature.
  • I will close my eyes for 5 minutes mid-day to reduce stimulation.
  • I will spend 5 minutes each day stretching my neck, shoulders, back, and hips.
  • I will spend at least 5 minutes each day laughing.
  • I will give someone a complement each day.

Do you see how specific this is? Now, I won’t do every one of them every day! However, because the amount of time spent daily for each one is minimal, it feels very doable; and some of them will easily overlap. I wrote it this way to provide numerous options, with each one having at least a small positive impact on daily stress load.

Once you’ve re-framed your resolution in this way, record in your journal how impactful each option is. This will help narrow the list of methods or activities that work best for you.

The most effective/enjoyable methods can then be incorporated into the fabric of daily life.

And don’t be hard on yourself if you slide. Just let it go and begin again. A resolution doesn’t have to start on January 1!

A Scentsations Journal & Workbook #1 by Christine Pressler, CA

A Scentsations Journal & Workbook #1 includes details on 12 essential oils, dozens of recipes, blending challenges, Nature connection activities, inspirational messages, gratitude & journal prompts, and space to record your blends.

Now available on Amazon.

Supporting Motivation with Essential Oils

Regardless of how detailed a New Year Resolution is, we sometimes need a little help staying motivated. This is where a Motivation Inhaler comes in handy.

Aromatherapy inhalers are a discreet way to access the energetic or therapeutic support of essential oils whenever you need it throughout the day.

⭐️Motivation Aromatherapy Inhaler Recipe

Aromatherapy inhalers and a wick on a tray with bottles of essential oil.
Watch me make the Inhaler
  • 5 drops Ginger essential oil (Zingiber officinale)
  • 4 drops Lemon essential oil (Citrus x limon)
  • 3 drops Sweet Fennel essential oil (Foeniculum vulgare)
  • 1 drop Clove bud essential oil (Eugenia caryophyllata)
  • 1 drop Black Pepper essential oil (Piper nigrum)
  • 1 drop Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carteri)

🌺See my Recommended Suppliers below

Make Your Motivation Aromatherapy Inhaler

Combine all essential oils in a very small glass bowl or glass (I find a shot glass works well for this). Drop an inhaler wick into the bowl and allow the oils to be absorbed.

Using a pair of tweezers, transfer the wick to the aromatherapy inhaler tube, secure the cap, and affix a label.

Keep your inhaler close by to use when your motivation is flagging. If using a plastic disposable inhaler, replace after a couple of weeks of use, or use a reusable inhaler and simply refresh the wick.

17 Point Checklist for Quality Essential Oils

Feeling overwhelmed by all the essential oil options out there?

Download your
FREE 17 Point Checklist &
become confident in your choices!

Get the FREE Checklist!

πŸ’šPRO TIP: I know a lot of aromatherapists who add their essential oils one at a time to the inhaler wick. The reason I recommend combining the essential oils before applying them to the wick is it allows the essential oils to mingle rather than being layered on the wick. I find this important for aroma (however subtle) and for energetics.

πŸ’šDisposable vs Reusable Inhalers: When I test out a blend or use an inhaler for a short time (travel, illness, etc) I use a disposable inhaler. When I use a blend in an inhaler consistently over time, I prefer a reusable inhaler which can easily be refreshed and sanitized.

Reusable aromatherapy inhaler by Plant Therapy
Plant Therapys Reusable Inhalers are available on Amazon

Why These Essential Oils?

All of these essential oils together create a blend that is uplifting, invigorating, and encourages optimistic thinking.

Use your Motivation aromatherapy inhaler at the beginning of each day and whenever you feel your motivation slipping to help support stick-to-itiveness.

🌺See my Recommended Suppliers below

Bottles of essential oil for Motivation aromatherapy inhaler

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) essential oil, steam distilled from the root, is considered a motivator. It stimulates will power and encourages positive energy. You can also use Ginger CO2 for a spicier aroma.

Lemon (Citrus x limon) essential oil, cold pressed from the peel, is cleansing and uplifting. It promotes feelings of openness and expansion.

Sweet Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) essential oil is steam distilled from the seed. It reduces inhibition and feelings of being stuck an it helps decrease mental stress and fatigue.

Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllata) essential oil is steam distilled from the closed flower buds. It fosters confidence and self-assurance and helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiousness.

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) essential oil, steam distilled from the dried fruit, is another motivator. It helps release negative energy, and enhances warm feelings of potential.

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) essential oil is steam distilled from the tree’s resin. It quiets the mind, allows us introspection, and supports mental tranquility and focus. Essential oil is produced from several species of Frankincense. This blend uses Frankincense carteri.

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πŸ“ŒGeneral Wellness Pins

Get the Motivation blend essential oils, disposable and reusable aromatherapy inhalers, and other tools to help you maintain your New Year’s Resolution in Mom’s Favorites for Motivation on Amazonβ€”featuring Plant Therapy and Edens Garden.

More About Mom's Preferred Essential Oil Suppliers

Here are the essential oils I personal use in the Resolution Motivation inhaler blend:

  • Frankincense Carteri essential oil (Boswellia carteri):

For inhaler blends like this, I like reusable aromatherapy inhalers, like those from Plant Therapy (direct), so I can easily refresh the wick. When I’m making a inhaler for illness support I use a disposable inhaler. Both types can be found at my Aromatherapy Tools shopping list on Amazon.

Or visit my favorite essential oil suppliers. They carry all of the essential oils used in the Motivation inhaler blend as well as aromatherapy inhalers, and a variety of pre-made blends for stress, tension, and more restful sleep.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is for educational purposes only.
All recipes provided are for personal use and are not designed for re-sale or large-scale manufacturing.
Please consult your doctor, naturopath, herbal practitioner, or other qualified health professional for medical advice and before starting any herbal regimen, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, have any existing medical conditions, or are taking any medications.

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