[3 min] Including essential oils in an herbal steam can help provide relief from cough and cold symptoms. Get Mom’s favorites + blends for adults and kids.
Tag: cough
[4 min] Steam inhalation helps soothe congestion and cold symptoms. Adding some of these herbs takes it up a notch. Get a family favorite herbal steam blend!
[3 min] In Nighttime Cough Part 2, I share some additional pointers and a technique I use to get the most out of my aromatherapy inhaler while I sleep.
[4 min] Nighttime cough? Get some much needed rest with this blend of breath-opening, sleep-supporting essential oils in an aromatherapy inhaler.
[5 min] On the chest, under the nose, and massaged into the feet, we used to go through tons of commercial vapor rub. Now we make this easy DIY recipe!