[5-min] Essential oils can relieve new school year tunnel vision. Here are two aromatherapy blends and a bonus bedtime blend to make back to school stress less.
Tag: frankincense essential oil

[4 min] A calming pup-safe essential oils diffuser blend and tips for keeping your pet safe during 4th of July fireworks. Bonus: it’s calming for humans, too!

[4 min] How realistic is your New Year Resolution? Do you have a plan to integrate it into daily life? This aromatherapy inhaler can support your motivation!

[6 min] Enjoy softer skin with this simple body scrub made from kitchen ingredients. Brown sugar body scrubs make it easy to give your skin the TLC it deserves!

[5 min] Conifers and citrus with a touch of exotic Frankincense and warm Cinnamon Leaf make this a beautiful diffuser blend for a chilly winter day.