[4 min] The Three Witches Elixir is an essential oil blend to enhance creativity and uplift spirits. Enjoy the rich aroma and energy of these essential oils.
Tag: patchouli essential oil

[3 min] Harness full moon energy to manifest abundance and boost mental energy. Experience your potential using introspection, affirmations, and essential oils.

[4 min] When you can’t get to the woods, bring the forest bathing experience home. Create your personal sanctuary with plants, nature sounds and essential oils.

[3 min] Ditch harsh chemicals! Use essential oils on wool dryer balls for naturally scented, softer laundry. Get safe use tips & 3 essential oil blends to try.

Spring is all around! Daffodils push through rain damp earth and raise their yellow faces to the warm shining sun. Celebrate these Perfect Spring Days with this essential oil blend!